Novopharma is a pharmaceutical distributor, founded in 2019, with headquarters based in Tirana. We are official representative of several European pharmaceutical Companies exclusively for the distribution and marketing of innovative pharmaceutical supplements , medical and rehabilitative equipment. We offer our service in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro.

At Novopharma we take care of your health through high quality products with no side effects. Our products are certified and recognized for their therapeutic effects by the European Union. We carefully select the best products and aim to move forward with new pharmaceutical formulas and the latest rehabilitative devices to guarantee better health and longevity.

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Novopharma is a pharmaceutical distributor, founded in 2019, with headquarters based in Tirana. We are official representative of several European pharmaceutical Companies exclusively for the distribution and marketing of innovative pharmaceutical supplements , medical and rehabilitative equipment. We offer our service in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro.

At Novopharma we take care of your health through high quality products with no side effects. Our products are certified and recognized for their therapeutic effects by the European Union. We carefully select the best products and aim to move forward with new pharmaceutical formulas and the latest rehabilitative devices to guarantee better health and longevity.

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Our Services

Order Products Online

Order the product you want

Shipping Everywhere

Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro etc.

Payment Method

You can pay with Cash, Paypal, Credit Card etc.

Online Counseling

You can be consulted directly by our staff

Collaborate with us!

We are the right partners! Focused on success and dynamic in the pharmaceutical market. Together we put the patient and his health in focus, through quality products, with no side effects and with important European studies. Together, we create serious and professional cooperation, providing the highest quality products for you. We value your work and provide you with a full guarantee on what we offer. Together, we create the best pharmaceutical service network.

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